If you are using a large number of devices on UNIX platforms, SAP recommends that you set the appropriate number of devices and user connections in the configuration file. Attempting to configure a large number of devices dynamically using sp_configure may fail.
The number of network connections and number of devices configuration parameters use operating system file descriptors. You must increase the number of operating system file descriptors to use a large value for either configuration parameter.
HPIA 64, HPPA 64, AIX 64, Windows – Set by SAP ASE.
IBM RISC 64-bit – 2000
IBM PLinux – 2048
AMD64 Linux – 10000
IA32-bit Linux – 10000
IA 64-bit Linux – 1024
Msg 5893, Level 16, State 1:Procedure 'sp_configure', Line 1234: The sum, ( ((number of user connections) + (number of remote sites) + (max cisremote connections) + (number of java sockets)) / (max online engines)) + (number of devices ) + (max number network listeners), must be no greater than '958'. Msg 5849, Level 16, State 1:Procedure 'sp_configure', Line 1234: Verification failed for parameter 'number of devices'. (return status = 1)
kernel Using 2048 file descriptors.