There are a number of differences between number of sort buffers and max data buffers per lava sort.
The buffers are sourced from single-page default or named data caches.
SAP ASE must have a sufficient number of free procedure cache buffers available for storing the metadata per row of data being sorted, otherwise it may abort the query processing.
The SAP ASE sort manager verifies the amount of procedure cache space required with this formula:
(number of sort buffers) X (rows_per_page) X 100
Where rows_per_page is the number of rows of the sorted columns that can fit into a single-page data buffer.
The buffers are sourced from the single-page pool from the tempdb data cache assigned to the current session.
The value of max data buffers per lava operator
The product of:
max resource granularity X (the number of cache buffers in the tempdb's single-page pool)