Adaptive Server uses this format for error messages:
instance_ID:thread_ID:family_ID:spid date time {server | kernel} message
instance_ID – the instance running in a clustered environment. This value is 00 if Adaptive Server is running in a nonclustered environment.
thread_ID – the thread on which the error occured. Always apears as a four-digit number (for example, 10 is shown as 0010).
In process mode, Adaptive Server displays the engine involved for each log entry. The engine number is indicated by a four-digit number. If only one engine is online, it is indicated by 00.
family_ID – family ID of the originating thread:
In serial processing, you see 00000.
In parallel processing, you see the server process ID number of the parent of the originating thread.
spid – the server process ID of the originating thread:
In serial processing, this is the server process ID number of the thread that generated the message. If the thread is a system task, the spid value is 00000.
In parallel processing, you see the server process ID number of the originating thread.
date – appeared
in the format yyyy/mm/dd
which allows you to sort error messages by date.
time – shown in 24-hour format, which includes seconds and hundredths of a second.
server | kernel – this entry is for use only by Sybase Technical Support.
message – the error message
For example:
00:0024:00000:00000:2010/04/27 10:28:07.82 kernel Thread 24 (LWP 24390) of Threadpool syb_default_pool online as engine 0
instance_ID = 0 – the server is not configured for a clustered environment
thread_ID = 0024 – Adaptive Server brought engine 0 online as thread number 24.
family_ID = 00000 – the process is running in serial mode.
spid = 00000 – this is a system task.
date and time = 2010/04/27 10:28:07.82.
server | kernel = kernel.