When using the isql or bcp utilities, Unicode values display in hexadecimal form unless the -Jutf8 flag is used, indicating the client’s character set is UTF-8. In this case, the utility converts any Unicode data it receives from the server into UTF-8. For example:
% isql -Usa -P -Jiso_1 1> select unicode_name from people where unicode_name = 'Jones' 2> go
unicode_name ------------------------------------------------------------------| 0x004a006f006e00650073 (1 row affected)
% isql -Usa -P -Jutf8 1> select unicode_name from people where unicode_name = 'Jones' 2> go
unicode_name ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jones (1 row affected)
This facilitates ad hoc queries. Not all terminal windows are capable of displaying the full repertoire of Unicode characters, but simple tests involving ASCII characters are greatly simplified.