By default, Adaptive Server uses direct conversions to convert data between different character sets. To use the Unicode conversions, Use sp_configure to set the enable unicode conversions option to either 1 or 2.
If you set sp_configure “enable unicode conversions” to 1:
This setting uses Adaptive Server direct conversions or Unicode conversions. Adaptive Server first checks to see if an Adaptive Server direct conversion exists for the server and client character set. If a direct conversion is used; if no direct conversion exists, the Unicode conversion is used.
Use this setting if the character sets in your client/server system fall into both columns 1 and 2 in Table 11-1.
If you set sp_configure “enable unicode conversions” to 2:
This setting uses Unicode conversions only. Adaptive Server uses Unicode conversions, without attempting to find an Adaptive Server direct conversion.
Use this setting if the client/server conversions result in a change in the data length (see “Conversions and changes to data lengths”)
If all character sets fall into column 2 in Table 11-1, set enable unicode conversions to 2 to always use Unicode conversions.
For Adaptive Server version 15.0 and later, the default value for enable unicode conversions is 1.
If the server default is UTF-8, the server automatically uses Unicode conversions only.