In versions of Adaptive Server earlier than 15.7, the unichar, univarchar, unitext, char, varchar, and text datatypes under the utf-8 default character set did not accept Unicode noncharacters (code points permanently reserved for internal use).
Adaptive Server version 15.7 allows you to ignore Unicode noncharacters by enabling the enable functionaliry group or the enable permissive unicode configuration parameters.
If you do not enable this feature, Adaptive Server rejects these noncharacters as in earlier versions.
For more information about the Unicode standard, see the Unicode Consortium Web site.
When you enable this feature, Unicode noncharacters are not detected in:
Presented as univarchar and unitext (UTF-16) datatypes
Presented as varchar and text (UTF-8) datatypes
As parameters to dynamic SQL statements
As input to parameterized language statements
String literals when the server’s character set is UTF-8
Escaped string literals (those prefixed with U&), regardless of the server’s character set
Conversion processes between unichar (UTF-16) and varchar (UTF-8) in either direction
In addition, Unicode noncharacters are acceptable in simple expressions such as comparisons, where they sort higher than legal Unicode characters.
You can use Unicode noncharacters as parameters to these functions:
ascii() |
lower() |
sortkey() |
char_length() |
ltrim() |
soundex() |
charindex() |
patindex() |
str_replace() |
compare() |
replicate() |
stuff() |
datalength() |
reverse() |
substring() |
difference() |
right() |
upper() |
left() |
rtrim() |
uscalar() |
len() |
This feature does not affect UTF-16 surrogate
handling enabled with the enable surrogate handling configuration
parameter. See “Setting Configuration Parameters” in
the System Administration Guide.