Configure and tune Adaptive Server options based on the load of incoming connections and the Adaptive Server-LDAP server infrastructure. Configure these options based on the number of simultaneous incoming requests:
Use sp_configure to set max native threads, which indicates the number of native threads per engine.
Use sp_ldapadmin to configure max_ldapua_native_threads, which indicates the number of LDAP user authentication native threads per engine.
Configure the set_timeout option (which indicates the LDAP server bind and search timeouts) based on the network and the health of the Adaptive Server/LDAP server infrastructure.
Configure the set_abandon_ldapua_when_full option to specify Adaptive Server behavior when incoming connections have consumed max_ldapua_native_threads:
Use these sp_ldapadmin options to configure the LDAP server for better performance:
set_max_ldapua_desc – manages the concurrency of the LDAPUA connection requests. If you are using a distinguished name algorithm, setting set_max_ldapua_desc to a larger number expedites the LDAPUA connections Adaptive Server is processing.
set_num_retries – sets the number of attempts. Tune this number according to the number of transient errors between Adaptive Server and the LDAP server. You can nullify transient errors by configuring the number of retries.
set_log_interval – controls the number of messages sent to the Adaptive Server error log for diagnostic purposes. Using a low number clutters the error log may be helpful in identifying specific errors. Using a large number sends fewer messages to the error log, but does not have the same investigative value. Tune set_log_interval according to your error log size.