Preparing libtcl.cfg to use network-based security

libtcl.cfg and libtcl64.cfg (for 64-bit applications) contain information about three types of drivers:

A driver is a Sybase library that provides an interface to an external service provider. Drivers are dynamically loaded so that you can change the driver used by an application without relinking the application.

Entries for network drivers

The syntax for a network driver entry is:

driver=protocol description


Entries for Directory Services

Directory Services entries apply if you want to use a Directory Service instead of the interfaces file. See the configuration documentation for your platform, and the Open Client/Server Configuration Guide for your platform.

Entries for security drivers

The syntax for a security driver entry is:

provider=driver init-string


UNIX platform information

No special tools for editing the libtcl.cfg file are available. Use your favorite editor to comment and uncomment the entries that are already in place after you install Adaptive Server.

After you install Adaptive Server on a UNIX platform, the libtcl.cfg file already contains entries for the three sections of the file:

The sections do not have to be in a specific order.

Make sure that the entries you do not want to use are commented (begin with “;”) and the entries you want are uncommented (do not begin with “;”).

For more information, see the Open Client/Server Configuration Guide for UNIX

Sample libtcl.cfg for Sun Solaris

; unused ; This is the non-threaded tli driver.
; unused ; This is the threaded tli driver.

; ditbase=/.:/subsys/sybase/dataservers
; ditbase=/.:/users/cfrank

[SECURITY] secbase=/.../svrsole4_cell

This libtcl.cfg file uses the DCE security service. This file does not use Directory Services because all [DIRECTORY] section entries are commented.

Because all entries in the [DRIVERS] section for network drivers are also commented, appropriate drivers are automatically chosen by the system. Adaptive Server automatically chooses a threaded driver when you use security services, and chooses an unthreaded driver for applications that cannot work with threaded drivers. For example, Backup Server does not support security services and does not work with a threaded driver.

Desktop platform information

The ocscfg utility automatically creates section headings for the libtcl.cfg file; you can also use osccfg to edit the libtcl.cfg file.

This is a sample libtcl.cfg file for desktop platforms:

ntreg_dsa=LIBDREG  ditbase=software\sybase\serverdsa

NLWNSCK=TCP  Winsock TCP/IP Net-Lib driver
NLMSNMP=NAMEPIPE  Named Pipe Net-Lib driver


See the Open Client/Server Configuration Guide for Desktop Platforms.