A system administrator can use the timeouts option to disable and enable the normal timeout code used by the local server.
By default, timeouts is set to true, and the site handler process that manages remote logins times out if there has been no remote user activity for one minute. By setting timeouts to false on both of the servers involved in remote procedure calls, the automatic timeout is disabled. to change timeouts to false use:
sp_serveroption GATEWAY, "timeouts", false
After you set timeouts to false on both servers, when a user executes an RPC in either direction, the site handler on each machine runs until one of the servers is shut down. When the server is brought up again, the option remains false, and the site handler is reestablished the next time a user executes an RPC. If users execute RPCs frequently, it is probably efficient in terms of system resources to set this option to false, since there is some system overhead involved in setting up the physical connection.