Reporting permissions on database objects or users

Use sp_helprotect to report on permissions by database object or by user, and (optionally) by user for a specified object. Any user can execute this procedure. The syntax is:

sp_helprotect [name [, username [, "grant"      [,"none"|"granted"|"enabled"|role_name]]]]]


For example, suppose you issue the following series of grant and revoke statements:

grant select on titles to judy 
grant update on titles to judy 
revoke update on titles(contract) from judy 
grant select on publishers to judy
    with grant option

To determine the permissions Judy now has on each column in the titles table, enter:

sp_helprotect titles, judy
grantor grantee type   action   object     column      grantable
------- ------ -----   ------   ------     ------      -------
dbo     judy   Grant   Select   titles     All         FALSE
dbo     judy   Grant   Update   titles     advance     FALSE
dbo     judy   Grant   Update   titles     notes       FALSE
dbo     judy   Grant   Update   titles     price       FALSE
dbo     judy   Grant   Update   titles     pub_id      FALSE
dbo     judy   Grant   Update   titles     pubdate     FALSE
dbo     judy   Grant   Update   titles     title       FALSE
dbo     judy   Grant   Update   titles     title_id    FALSE
dbo     judy   Grant   Update   titles     total_sales FALSE
dbo     judy    Grant   Update   titles     type        FALSE

The first row shows that the database owner (“dbo”) gave Judy permission to select all columns of the titles table. The rest of the lines indicate that she can update only the columns listed in the display. Judy cannot give select or update permissions to any other user.

To see Judy’s permissions on the publishers table, enter:

sp_helprotect publishers, judy

In this display, the grantable column indicates TRUE, meaning that Judy can grant the permission to other users.

grantor grantee type   action   object     column      grantable 
------- ------ -----   ------   ------     ------      ------- 
dbo     judy    Grant   Select  publishers   all         TRUE