Before you implement user-defined roles, decide:
The roles you want to create
The responsibilities for each role
The position of each in the role hierarchy
Which roles in the hierarchy are mutually exclusive and if so, at the membership or activation level
Avoid name conflicts when you create user-defined roles by following a naming convention. For example, you can use the “_role” suffix for role names. Adaptive Server does not check for such restrictions.
User-defined role names cannot duplicate user names. If a role must have the same name as a user, avoid conflict by creating a new role, having it contain the original role, and then granting the new role to the user.
After you have planned the roles to create and the relationships among them, decide how to allocate roles according to business requirements and the responsibilities of your users.
The maximum number of roles that a user can activate per user session is 127.
The minimum number of roles, 15, includes the system roles included with Adaptive Server.
The maximum number of user-defined roles that can be activated server-wide is 992. The first 32 roles are reserved for Sybase system roles.