sql server clock tick length

Summary information

Default value


Range of values

Platform-specific minimum–1000000, in multiples of default value



Display level


Required role

System administrator

Configuration group

SQL Server Administration

sql server clock tick length specifies the duration of the server’s clock tick, in microseconds. Both the default value and the minimum value are platform-specific. Adaptive Server rounds values up to an even multiple of n, where n is the platform-specific clock-tick default value. Use sp_helpconfig or sp_configure to find the current values for sql server clock tick length.

In mixed-use applications with some CPU-bound tasks, decrease the value of sql server clock tick length to:

Increasing sql server clock tick length favors CPU-bound tasks, because they execute longer between context switches. The maximum value of 1,000,000 may be appropriate for primarily CPU-bound applications. However, any I/O-bound tasks may suffer as a result. You can mitigate this somewhat by tuning cpu grace time (see “cpu grace time”) and time slice (see “time slice”).

NoteChanging the value of sql server clock tick length can have serious effects on Adaptive Server performance. Consult with Sybase Technical Support before resetting this value.