The $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/scripts directory contains installsecurity, a script for installing auditing.
This example assumes a server that uses a logical page
size of 2K.
To use installsecurity to install auditing:
Create the auditing devices and auditing database with the disk init and create database commands. For example:
disk init name = "auditdev", physname = "/dev/dsk/c2d0s4", size = "10M"
disk init name = "auditlogdev", physname = "/dev/dsk/c2d0s5", size = "2M"
create database sybsecurity on auditdev log on auditlogdev
Use isql to execute the installsecurity script:
cd $SYBASE/ASE-12_5/scripts setenv DSQUERY server_name isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sserver_name < installsecurity
Shut down and restart Adaptive Server.
When you have completed these steps, the sybsecurity database has one audit table (sysaudits_01) created on its own segment. You can enable auditing at this time, but should add more auditing tables with sp_addaudittable. For information about disk init, create database, and sp_addaudittable, see the Reference Manual: Procedures.