If sybsystemprocs does not exist, you must create it using create database.
These steps assumes that your sybsystemprocs database exists, but is corrupt.
select lstart, size / (power(2,20)/@@maxpagesize) as 'MB', d.name as 'device name', case when segmap = 4 then 'log' when segmap & 4 = 0 then 'data' else 'log and data' end as 'usage' from sysusages u, sysdevices d where d.vdevno = u.vdevno and d.status & 2 = 2 and dbid = db_id('sybsystemprocs') order by 1
The result probably shows sybsystemprocs all on one disk fragment, and having log and data as its usage, but you may have a more complex layout than that. Save this query’s results for later use.
drop database sybsystemprocs
If this succeeds and the device is undamaged, go to step 3.
sp_configure ‘allow updates’, 1 go delete from sysusages where dbid = db_id('sybsystemprocs') delete from sysdatabases where name = 'sybsystemprocs' go sp_configure 'allow updates', 0 go
sp_dropdevice name_of_sybsystemprocs_device
If you manually removed sybsystemprocs, re-created the sybsystemprocs device, shut down SAP ASE using shutdown with nowait. If you dropped the sybsystemprocs device and it was not a raw partition, remove the physical file. Restart SAP ASE.
create database sybsystemprocs on device_name = N
where N is the total size of the device. You may find that you need to create the new database on multiple devices to get the size you need.
create database sybsystemprocs on device_1 = M log on device_2 = N
where M is the sum of the first group of data sizes and N is the sum of the first group of log sizes. For each successive group, repeat this process using alter database instead of create database to enlarge the database.
isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sserver_name -i $SYBASE_/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts/installmaster
isql -Usa -Ppassword -S<server_name> -i instmstr