In addition to routine dumps, dump a database each time you upgrade a user database,
create a new index, perform an unlogged operation, or run the dump
with no_log or dump transaction with truncate_only
- Dumping a user database after upgrading – after you upgrade a user database to the current
version of SAP ASE, dump the newly upgraded database to create a dump that is compatible
with the current release. A dump database must occur on upgraded user
databases before a dump transaction is permitted.
- Dumping a database after creating an index – when you add an index to a table, create
index is recorded in the transaction log. As it fills the index pages with
information, however, SAP ASE does not log the changes. If your database device fails after
you create an index, load transaction may take as long to reconstruct the
index as create index took to build it. To avoid lengthy delays, dump
each database immediately after creating an index on one of its tables.
- Dumping a database after unlogged operations – SAP ASE writes the data for the following
commands directly to disk, adding no entries (or, in the case of bcp,
minimal entries) in the transaction log:
Unlogged writetext
into on a permanent table
Fast bulk copy (bcp) into a table with no triggers or indexes
You cannot recover any changes made to the database after issuing one of these
commands. To ensure that these commands are recoverable, issue a dump
database command immediately before executing any of these commands
- Dumping a database when the log has been truncated – dump transaction with
truncate_only and dump transaction with no_log remove
transactions from the log without making a backup copy.
To ensure recoverability, dump the
database each time you run either command because of lack of disk space. You cannot copy
the transaction log until you have done so.
If the trunc log on
chkpt database option is set to true, and the transaction
log contains 50 rows or more, SAP ASE truncates the log when an automatic checkpoint
occurs. If this happens, dump the entire database—not the transaction log—to ensure