Dumping and loading databases and transactions includes restrictions.
dump transaction and load transaction are not allowed across platforms.
dump database and load database to or from a remote Backup Server are not supported across platforms.
You cannot load a password-protected dump file across platforms.
If you perform dump database and load database for a parsed XML object, you must parse the text again after load database has completed.
You can load dumps only to servers that have the same sort order as the server from which they were dumped. For example, you cannot load a dump from a server that uses a dictionary order, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive sort order to a server that uses a dictionary order, case-insensitive, accent insensitive sort order.
SAP ASE cannot translate embedded data structures stored as binary, varbinary, or image columns.
load database is not allowed on the master database across platforms.
Stored procedures and other compiled objects are recompiled from the SQL text in syscomments at the first execution after the load database.
If you do not have permission to recompile from text, then the person who does must recompile from text using dbcc upgrade_object to upgrade objects.