SAP ASE allows you to dump and load databases across platforms with different endian architecture.
This means you can perform dump database and load database from either a big-endian platform to a little-endian platform, or from a little-endian platform to a big-endian platform.
In a big-endian system, the most significant byte of storage, such as integer or long, has the lower address. The reverse is true for a little-endian system.
SAP ASE automatically detects the architecture type of the originating system of the database dump file during a load database, then performs the necessary conversions. Loads from older versions, such as 12.5.4, are supported. The dump and load can be from 32-bit to 64-bit platforms, and vice versa.
Platforms supported:
Big-endian |
Sun Solaris |
Little-endian |
Linux IA |
Windows |
Sun Solaris x86 |
Stored procedures and other compiled objects are recompiled from the SQL text in syscomments at the first execution after the load database for certain combination platforms.