Creating the dbccdb Database

By default, the dbccdb database is not installed by default; you must create it for dbcc checkstorage can record configuration information for target databases, operation activity, and the results of the operations.

  1. Run sp_plan_dbccdb in the master database to obtain recommendations for database size, devices, workspace sizes, cache size, and the number of worker processes for the target database.
  2. If dbccdb already exists, drop it and all associated devices before creating a new dbccdb database:
    use master
    if exists (select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases
         where name = "dbccdb")
         print "+++ Dropping the dbccdb database"
         drop database dbccdb
  3. Initialize disk devices for the dbccdb data and the log:
    use master
    disk init
       name = "dbccdb_dat",
       physname = "/remote/disks/masters/",
       size = "4096"
    disk init
       name = "dbccdb_log",
       physname = "/remote/disks/masters/",
    size = "1024"
  4. Create dbccdb on the data disk device that you initialized in step 3:
    use master
    create database dbccdb
       on dbccdb_dat = 6
       log on dbccdb_log = 2
  5. (Optional) Add segments for the scan and text workspaces to the dbccdb data device:
    use dbccdb
    sp_addsegment scanseg, dbccdb, dbccdb_dat
    sp_addsegment textseg, dbccdb, dbccdb_dat
  6. Create the tables for dbccdb and initialize the dbcc_types table:
    isql -Ujms -P***** -iinstalldbccdb

    installdbccdb checks for the existence of the database before it attempts to create the tables. It creates only those tables that do not already exist in dbccdb. If any of the dbccdb tables become corrupted, remove them with drop table, and then use installdbccdb to re-create them.

  7. Create and initialize the scan and text workspaces:
    use dbccdb
    sp_dbcc_createws dbccdb, scanseg, scan_pubs2, scan, "64K"
    sp_dbcc_createws dbccdb, textseg, text_pubs2, text, "64K"

When you have finished installing dbccdb, you must update the dbcc_config table.