Use the load database with headeronly command and sp_helpdb system procedure to size the target database before it is loaded with the dump.
The full sequence showing these commands is described in Example of Sequence Using dump and load database.
create database sales_db on sales_db_dev=3 log on sales_db_log1=3, sales_db_log2=3, sales_db_log1=3, sales_db_log2=3
00:00:00000:00015:2011/01/21 09:38:28.29 server Timestamp for database 'sales_db' is (0x0000, CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_dev' (1536 logical pages requested). CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log1' (1536 logical pages requested). CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log2' (1536 logical pages requested). CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log1' (1536 logical pages requested). CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log2' (1536 logical pages requested). Warning: The database 'sales_db' is using an unsafe virtual device 'sales_db_dev'. The recovery of this database can not be guaranteed. Database 'sales_db' is now online.
select * from sysusages where dbid=4
dbid segmap lstart size vstart location unreservedpgs crdate vdevno ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- ------------- ------ ------ 4 3 0 1536 0 0 670 Jan 21 2011 9:38AM 1 4 4 1536 1536 0 0 1530 Jan 21 2011 9:38AM 2 4 4 3072 1536 0 0 1530 Jan 21 2011 9:38AM 3 4 4 4608 1536 1536 0 1530 Jan 21 2011 9:38AM 2 4 4 6144 1536 1536 0 1530 Jan 21 2011 9:38AM 3 (5 rows affected)
alter database sales_db log off sales_db_log2 select * from sysusages where dbid=4
dbid segmap lstart size vstart location unreservedpgs crdate vdevno ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- ------------- ------ ------ 4 3 0 1536 0 0 670 Jan 21 2011 9:38AM 1 4 4 1536 1536 0 0 1530 Jan 21 2011 9:38AM 2 4 0 3072 1536 3072 4 1530 Jan 21 2011 9:38AM -4 4 4 4608 1536 1536 0 1530 Jan 21 2011 9:38AM 2 (4 rows affected)
sp_helpdb sales_db
name db_size owner dbid created durability status -------- ------------- ----- ---- ------------ ---------- -------------- sales_db 9.0 MB sa 4 Jan 21, 2011 full no options set (1 row affected) device_fragments size usage created free kbytes ------------------ ------ ---------- ------------------ -------------- sales_db_dev 3.0 MB data only Jan 21 2011 9:38AM 1340 sales_db_log1 3.0 MB log only Jan 21 2011 9:38AM not applicable sales_db_log1 3.0 MB log only Jan 21 2011 9:38AM not applicable -------------------------------------------------------------- log only free kbytes = 6082, log only unavailable kbytes = 3072 (return status = 0)
dump database sales_db to "c:/temp/sales_db.dmp"
Backup Server session id is: 45. Use this value when executing the 'sp_volchanged' system stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change request from the Backup Server. Backup Server: Creating new disk file c:/temp/sales_db.dmp. Backup Server: Dumpfile name 'sales_db11021087C7 ' section number 1 mounted on disk file 'c:/temp/sales_db.dmp' Backup Server: Database sales_db: 848 kilobytes (67%) DUMPED. Backup Server: Database sales_db: 862 kilobytes (100%) DUMPED. Backup Server: Dump phase number 1 completed. Backup Server: Dump phase number 2 completed. Backup Server: Dump phase number 3 completed. Backup Server: Database sales_db: 870 kilobytes (100%) DUMPED. Backup Server: DUMP is complete (database sales_db).
load database sales_db from "c:/temp/sales_db.dmp" with headeronly
Backup Server session id is: 48. Use this value when executing the 'sp_volchanged' system stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change request from the Backup Server. Backup Server: Dumpfile name 'sales_db11021087C7 ' section number 1 mounted on disk file 'c:/temp/sales_db.dmp' This is a database dump of database ID 4, name 'sales_db', from Jan 21 2011 9:39AM. ASE version: lite_642236-1/Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.7/EBF 18567 SMP Drop#2/B/X64/Windows Server/aseasap/ENG/. Backup Server version: Backup Server/15.7/B/X64/Windows Server/aseasap/ENG/64-bit/DEBUG/Thu Jan 20 11:12:51 2011. Database page size is 2048. Database contains 6144 pages; checkpoint RID=(Rid pageid = 0x604; row num = 0x12); next object ID=560001995; sort order ID=50, status=0; charset ID=2. Database log version=7; database upgrade version=35; database durability=UNDEFINED. segmap: 0x00000003 lstart=0 vstart=[vpgdevno=1 vpvpn=0] lsize=1536 unrsvd=670 segmap: 0x00000004 lstart=1536 vstart=[vpgdevno=2 vpvpn=0] lsize=1536 unrsvd=1530 Unavailable disk fragment: lstart=3072 lsize=1536 segmap: 0x00000004 lstart=4608 vstart=[vpgdevno=2 vpvpn=1536] lsize=1536 unrsvd=1530 The database contains 6144 logical pages (12 MB) and 4608 physical pages (9 MB).
create database sales_db2 on sales_db_dev=3 log on sales_db_log1=6
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_dev' (1536 logical pages requested). CREATE DATABASE: allocating 3072 logical pages (6.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log1' (3072 logical pages requested). Warning: The database 'sales_db2' is using an unsafe virtual device 'sales_db_dev'. The recovery of this database can not be guaranteed. Database 'sales_db2' is now online.
select * from sysusages where dbid=db_id("sales_db2")
dbid segmap lstart size vstart location unreservedpgs crdate vdevno ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- ------------- ------ ------ 5 3 0 1536 1536 0 670 Jan 26 2011 1:22AM 1 5 4 1536 3072 3072 0 3060 Jan 26 2011 1:22AM 2
load database sales_db2 from "/tmp/sales_db.dmp"
Backup Server session id is: 10. Use this value when executing the 'sp_volchanged' system stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change request from the Backup Server. Backup Server: Dumpfile name 'sales_db1102602564 ' section number 1 mounted on disk file '/tmp/sales_db.dmp' Backup Server: Database sales_db2: 6148 kilobytes (33%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database sales_db2: 9222 kilobytes (50%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database sales_db2: 9230 kilobytes (100%) LOADED. Backup Server: LOAD is complete (database sales_db2). Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sales_db2'. Database 'sales_db2', checkpoint=(1544, 22), first=(1544, 22), last=(1544, 22). Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sales_db2'. Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'sales_db2'. Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'sales_db2'. 00:00:00000:00011:2011/01/26 05:12:15.86 server Log contains all committed transactions until 2011/01/26 01:55:15.71 for database sales_db2. Started REDO pass for database 'sales_db2'. The total number of log records to process is 1. Completed REDO pass for database 'sales_db2'. 00:00:00000:00011:2011/01/26 05:12:15.88 server Timestamp for database 'sales_db2' is (0x0000, 0x00001612). Use the ONLINE DATABASE command to bring this database online; ASE will not bring it online automatically.
online database sales_db2
Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sales_db2'. Database 'sales_db2', checkpoint=(1544, 22), first=(1544, 22), last=(1544, 22). Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sales_db2'. Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'sales_db2'. Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'sales_db2'. 00:00:00000:00011:2011/01/26 05:12:22.49 server Log contains all committed transactions until 2011/01/26 01:55:15.71 for database sales_db2. Recovery of database 'sales_db2' will undo incomplete nested top actions. Database 'sales_db2' is now online.
select * from sysusages where dbid=db_id("sales_db2")
dbid segmap lstart size vstart location unreservedpgs crdate vdevno ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- ------------- ------ ------ 5 3 0 1536 1536 0 670 Jan 26 2011 5:12AM 1 5 4 1536 1536 3072 0 1530 Jan 26 2011 5:12AM 2 5 0 3072 1536 3072 4 1530 Jan 26 2011 5:12AM -5 5 4 4608 1536 4608 0 1530 Jan 26 2011 5:12AM 2