All processes in SAP ASE share a pool of lock structures.
As an initial estimate for configuring the number of locks, multiply the number of concurrent user connections you expect, plus the number of worker processes that you have configured, by 20.
The number of locks required by queries can vary widely. See System Administration Guide: Volume 1 > Setting Configuration Parameters.
login: Process with spid <process id> could not connect to the ASE which has temporarily run out of locks
Granted the sa_role directly to the user
Granted the sa_role indirectly to the user through a user-defined role, which is specified as the user’s default role
Granted the sa_role to the user’s login profile, and altered the profile to automatically activate the sa_role
Once logged in, the “sa” user, or the user with the sa_role, should immediately execute sp_configure to add locks. In this state, executing any other statement may cause SAP ASE to issue error message 1024 again.
SAP ASE may move to an unrecoverable state if a high number of “sa” users, or users with the sa_role, attempt to log in simultaneously when SAP ASE is out of locks.