There are several restrictions that apply to shrink operations on databases.
Shrink database operations fail if you start them while a dump transaction is already running. If you issue dump transaction while a shrink database operation is in progress, SAP ASE terminates the shrink database operation to allow the dump transaction to proceed. You can restart the shrink operation by issuing the same command after the dump transaction completes.
SAP ASE may issue error number 3193 and this message when you load the transaction log: “Database '<dbname>' does not have space allocated for data page <pageid> from the dump. Extend the database by <size> MB and retry the command”..
You may need to extend the database before some (and potentially, every) subsequent transaction log dump in the load sequence.
To avoid this error pro-actively, Sybase recommends that you perform a database dump immediately after you perform a shrink database operation.