Shuts down the cluster by executing a Transact-SQL shutdown command for each instance in the cluster’s instance list, in the order specified in the cluster configuration file.
shutdown cluster [nowait]
shutdown cluster INFO - ... INFO - 01:00:00000:00117:2007/06/02 00:23:53.56 kernel ueshutdown: exiting INFO - 01:00:00000:00117:2007/06/02 00:23:53.56 kernel SySAM: Checked in license for 1 ASE_CORE (2007.1031/31-oct-2007/1293 6876 8FE7 E217).
sybcluster prompts for confirmation before shutting down the cluster.
If the cluster is managed by VCS, shutdown cluster fails. You must use VCS shut-down mechanisms to shut down the cluster.