Drops Backup Server from a node or from the cluster. If the cluster is configured for multiple Backup Servers, drops all Backup Servers.
drop backupserver
drop backupserver Do you want to drop the Backup Server from: 1. Selected nodes 2. Cluster Enter choice: 1 Do you want to drop Backup Server from node "blade1"? [N] y Do you want to drop Backup Server from node "blade2"? [N] The Backup Server has been dropped from selected nodes.
drop backupserver Do you want to drop the Backup Server from: 1. Selected nodes 2. Cluster Enter choice: 2 Are you sure you want to drop Backup Server mycluster_BS from cluster mycluster? (Y or N): [N] y The Backup Server has been dropped.
drop backupserver Multiple Backup Server are defined for the cluster. This command will drop all of them. Are you sure you want to continue? (Y/N): [N] y The Backup Server has been dropped.
Use drop backupserver to drop a Backup Server from the cluster.