Examples of Copying Out Data Interactively

By changing the default values of the prompts to bcp, you can prepare data for use with other software.

To create a human-readable file, respond to the bcp prompts:

Copy Out Data with Field Lengths

This example uses fixed-length fields to create output in the personal computer format called SDF (system data format). This format can be easily read or produced by other software.
bcp pubs2..sales out sal_out
The results as stored in the sal_out file are:
5023      AB-123-DEF-425-1Z3    Oct 31 1985 12:00AM
5023      AB-872-DEF-732-2Z1    Nov 6 1985 12:00AM
5023      AX-532-FED-452-2Z7    Dec 1 1990 12:00AM
5023      BS-345-DSE-860-1F2    Dec 12 1986 12:00AM
5023      GH-542-NAD-713-9F9    Mar 15 1987 12:00AM
5023      NF-123-ADS-642-9G3    Jul 18 1987 12:00AM
5023      XS-135-DER-432-8J2    Mar 21 1991 12:00AM
5023      ZA-000-ASD-324-4D1    Jul 27 1988 12:00AM
5023      ZD-123-DFG-752-9G8    Mar 21 1991 12:00AM
5023      ZS-645-CAT-415-1B2    Mar 21 1991 12:00AM
5023      ZZ-999-ZZZ-999-0A0    Mar 21 1991 12:00AM
6380      234518                Sep 30 1987 12:00AM
6380      342157                Dec 13 1985 12:00AM
6380      356921                Feb 17 1991 12:00AM
7066      BA27618               Oct 12 1985 12:00AM
7066      BA52498               Oct 27 1987 12:00AM
7066      BA71224               Aug 5 1988 12:00AM
7067      NB-1.142              Jan 2 1987 12:00AM
7067      NB-3.142              Jun 13 1990 12:00AM
7131      Asoap132              Nov 16 1986 12:00AM
7131      Asoap432              Dec 20 1990 12:00AM
7131      Fsoap867              Sep 8 1987 12:00AM
7896      124152                Aug 14 1986 12:00AM
7896      234518                Feb 14 1991 12:00AM
8042      12-F-9                Jul 13 1986 12:00AM
8042      13-E-7                May 23 1989 12:00AM
8042      13-J-9                Jan 13 1988 12:00AM
8042      55-V-7                Mar 20 1991 12:00AM
8042      91-A-7                Mar 20 1991 12:00AM
8042      91-V-7                Mar 20 1991 12:00AM
The contents of the sal_fmt format file are:
1    SYBCHAR 04  "" 1  stor_id
2    SYBCHAR 020 "" 2  ord_num
3    SYBCHAR 026 "" 3  date

Comma-delimited, Newline-delimited with Format File

In this example, bcp copies data interactively from the publishers table to a file:
bcp pubs2..publishers out pub_out
The results as stored in the pub_out file are:
0736,New Age Books,Boston,MA
0877,Binnet  & Hardley,Washington,DC
1389,Algodata Infosystems,Berkeley,CA
The contents of the pub_fmt format file are:
1    SYBCHAR 0 4   ","   1  pub_id
2    SYBCHAR 0 40  ","   2  pub_name
3    SYBCHAR 0 20  ","   3  city
4    SYBCHAR 0 2   "\n"  4  state
This example creates:
  • An output file with commas between all fields in a row and a newline terminator at the end of each row
  • A format file (pub_fmt) that you can use later to copy the same or similar data back into the SAP ASE server

Tab-delimited with Format File

This example creates tab-delimited output from the table pubs2..publishers in the pub_out file:
bcp pubs2..publishers out pub_out
The results as stored in the pub_out file are:
0736    New Age Books           Boston        MA
0877    Binnet & Hardley        Washington    DC
1389    Algodata Infosystems    Berkeley      CA
The contents of the pub_fmt format file are:
1    SYBCHAR 04   "\t"  1 pub_id
2    SYBCHAR 040  "\t"  2 pub_name
3    SYBCHAR 020  "\t"  3 city
4    SYBCHAR 02   "\n"  4 state
Related concepts
Format Files