Copy sorted data in parallel into a specific partition.
Split the sorted data into separate files, or delineate the “files” by specifying the first row (-F first_row) and the last row (-L last_row) of the host file.
Note the number of partitions in the table, as this number limits the number of parallel bulk copy sessions that you can start.
For example, if a table has four partitions, and you start five parallel bulk copy jobs, only the first four jobs can run in parallel; the fifth job does not start until one of the first four jobs finish.
bcp mydb..bigtable:1 in file1 -Pmypassword -c & bcp mydb..bigtable:2 in file2 -Pmypassword -c & bcp mydb..bigtable:3 in file3 -Pmypassword -c & bcp mydb..bigtable:4 in file4 -Pmypassword -c &