The following environment variables must be set correctly. With the exception of SYBMIGRATE_MEMORY, these environment variables are defined in the SYBASE.csh or files that are created during the installation process.
SYBASE – defines the location of the Sybase release path.
SYBASE_ASE – defines the location of the Adaptive Server component directory.
SYBASE_JRE – defines the location of the Java runtime environment. This is generally set to $SYBASE/shared/jre-1_4 in the Adaptive Server release area. This environment variable overrides JAVA_HOME.
SYBASE_JRE defaults to $SYBASE/shared/jre142 (UNIX) and %SYBASE%\Shared\Sun\jre142 (Windows).
SYBMIGRATE_MEMORY – specifies the amount of memory to be used when invoking the Java virtual machine (JVM). This environment variable should be specified with a number, which refers to the amount of memory in megabytes. If SYBMIGRATE_MEMORY is not set, JVM uses the default memory setting of 512MB.
If sybmigrate is using a large number of threads, or working on many tables or indexes in parallel, increase the amount of memory allocated to the JVM on the client side.