sybmigrate allows you to convert an Adaptive Server from one page size to another page size, and to migrate between platforms.
The utility is located in:
(UNIX platforms) $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/
(Windows) %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\bin\sybmigrate.bat as sybmigrate.bat.
WARNING! sybmigrate assumes that the source and target Adaptive Servers will not have any activity during the migration. If objects are created, modified, or deleted during the migration process (setup, migrate, and validate), Sybase cannot guarantee migration integrity.
sybmigrate [-v ] [-h ] [-f ] [-D 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] [-I interfaces_file ] [-r input_resource_file ] [-m setup | migrate | validate | report ] [-rn status | space_est | repl | diff | password ] [-l log_file ] [-t output_template_resource_file ] [-J client_charset ] [-z language ] [-T trace_flags ] [-Tase trace_flags ] [-f ]
prints the version string and exits.
prints the help information and syntax usage and exits.
overrides the locking session.
If sybmigrate exited a session inappropriately, use -f to override the source and target database binding that is created so that only one session of sybmigrate can run on a source and target database path.
sets the debug level for sybmigrate. The default debug level is 2.
identifies a specific interfaces file to find server names. If no interfaces file location is designated, sybmigrate uses:
(UNIX) $SYBASE/interfaces
(Windows) %SYBASE%\ini\sql.ini
You can override sybmigrate, and
use the interfaces file by providing the -I argument
if the LDAP entry is defined
in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/config/libtcl.cfg on
Unix or in %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\ini\libtcl.cfg on
specifies that the resource file mode is to be used in the migration process. If the input resource file is not specified by using the -r parameter, sybmigrate operates in GUI mode.
If you use the -r parameter, then you also need to use the -m argument to specify the type of operation to perform: setup, migrate, validate, or report. You can run the entire migration process in the resource file mode, or you can choose to run only parts of in this fashion.
designates the types of operations that are performed:
setup – to set up the repository and migration working database, and to migrate the server-wide data.
migrate – to perform data and object migration.
validate – to validate the migrated objects.
report – to run any of the five reports. The reports can be run in the GUI and resource file mode. The available reports are:
status – the migrate object status report gives information about objects that have been migrated. To run this report, issue:
sybmigrate -r resource file -m report -rn status
space_est – use the target database space estimation report to verify that you have sufficient resources allocated to your target database. In the resource file mode, issue the following command to run the space_est report:
sybmigrate -r resource file -m report -rn space_est
repl – use the replication report to check any explicitly replicated objects that have been migrated, determine the type of replication system, and to produce SQL commands for users to execute on the target Adaptive Server and the Replication Server. To run the repl report, issue:
sybmigrate -r resource file -m report -rn repl
diff – checks the objects between the source and target databases. Users can run the report on individual objects, or the entire database, except for server and database information or metadata. You can run the diff report at any time. You do not need to run a setup session to run the diff report. The source and target database name do not need to be the same when running the diff report.
The diff report provides the following information for the following object types:
Server information – compares the master database system catalogs row count between the source and target Adaptive Server. This task is similar to the validation session.
Database information – compares the user database system catalogs row count between the source and target Adaptive Server. This task is similar to the validation session.
DDL objects – the report displays whether the objects exist on the source or the target Adaptive Servers. If the objects exists in both databases, that object is not displayed in the report.
User table data – compares the row count of the user tables in the source and target Adaptive Server. If the table only exists in the source or target databases, the table is not displayed in the report.
password – creates a file for the changed passwords.
indicates what type of report to generate. If -rn is not specified, all five reports are run.
indicates a user-defined log file where the output of the migration process is stored. If -l is not used, the logs are stored in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/init/logs or the working directory.
directs sybmigrate to generate an output template resource file, to be used for subsequent migrations in the resource file mode.
-t requires that you start sybmigrate using the -r argument specifying the login information. This argument also requires -m to specify what type of resource file is to be generated.
You can use -t only in the resource
file mode.
specifies the character set to be used for the Adaptive Server connection.
specifies the language to be used for the Adaptive Server connection.
sets these command line trace flags:
DUMP_SQL – specifies that every query issued by sybmigrate is output to the log file.
NO_SORTED_DATA – overrides the default, which specifies that tables with clustered indexes are copied to the target server in order, and the clustered index is recreated using the with_sorted_data option.
LEAVE_PTBL_ON_ERROR – specifies that proxy tables are not deleted on failure.
SKIP_CONFIG_CHECK – specifies that configuration compatibility checks are not to be performed.
SKIP_PARTITION_CHECK – specifies that partition compatibility checks are not to be performed.
DUMP_DDL – specifies that DDL commands are to be output to the log file.
DUMP_DEPEND_OBJECT – specifies that when the auto_select_dependent_objects option is used, sybmigrate outputs a list of objects added as dependents.
ONE_WORK_THREAD – specifies that one work thread is to be used, overriding the current setting for schema creation threads.
ALLOW_DATA_AND_INDEX – overrides default behavior, in which indexes are created after all tables are created. Indexes are created as resources become available.
is used to run Adaptive Server trace flags (turned on using dbcc traceon) for all Adaptive Server connections opened by sybmigrate. The trace flags should be specified in a comma-separated list.
Runs the status report:
sybmigrate -r resource file -m report -rn status
Runs the space_est report in the resource file mode:
sybmigrate -r resource file -m report -rn space_est
Runs the repl report, issue:
sybmigrate -r resource file -m report -rn repl
Make sure the allow resource limits configuration parameter is set to 0 before running sybmigrate.
You cannot migrate server data if metadata already exists on the target Adaptive Server.
If sybmigrate exited a session inappropriately, use -f to override the source and target database binding that is created so that only one session of sybmigrate can run on a source and target database path.
If you use the -r parameter, then you also need to use the -m argument to specify the type of operation to perform: setup, migrate, validate, or report. Run the entire migration process in the resource file mode, or run only parts in this fashion.
Use -t only in the resource file mode. -t requires that you start sybmigrate using the -r argument specifying the login information. This argument also requires -m to specify what type of resource file is to be generated.
You may specify the size and location of a work database on your target server.
Sybase does not support Adaptive Server version 12.5.1. Sybase recommends that you upgrade from 12.5.1 to 12.5.4, then from 12.5.4 to 15.5 and later versions. To make the 12.5.1 server visible to the 12.5.4 or later server, use:
sp_addserver 'servername', local
Restart Adaptive Server to recognize the 12.5.1 server.
You can override sybmigrate, and use the interfaces file by providing the -I argument if the LDAP entry is defined in:
UNIX – $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/config/libtcl.cfg
Windows – %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\ini\libtcl.cfg
sybmigrate automatically migrates predicated privileges when:
ddlgen is called to generate the scheme definitions, including grants, denies, and revokes
Data is migrated using CIS and proxy tables.
status – the migrate object status report gives information about objects that have been migrated.
space_est – use the target database space estimation report to verify that you have sufficient resources allocated to your target database.
repl – use the replication report to check any explicitly replicated objects that have been migrated, determine the type of replication system, and to produce SQL commands for users to execute on the target Adaptive Server and the Replication Server.
diff – checks the objects between the source and target databases. Users can run the report on individual objects, or the entire database, except for server and database information or metadata. Run the diff report at any time. You do not need to run a setup session to run the diff report. The source and target database name do not need to be the same when running the diff report.
The diff report provides this information for these object types:
Server information – compares the master database system catalogs row count between the source and target Adaptive Server. This task is similar to the validation session.
Database information – compares the user database system catalogs row count between the source and target Adaptive Server. This task is similar to the validation session.
DDL objects – the report displays whether the objects exist on the source or the target Adaptive Servers. If the objects exists in both databases, that object is not displayed in the report.
User table data – compares the row count of the user tables in the source and target Adaptive Server. If the table only exists in the source or target databases, the table is not displayed in the report.
You must be a Sybase system administrator or log in with the sa_role to use sybmigrate.
If you want any user other than the SA to use sybmigrate, set the cis rpc handling configuration parameter to “1”.
Documentation Chapter 9, “Migrating Data Using sybmigrate” for detailed information on sybmigrate.