Migrate databases in the Replication Server domain

The Replication Server domain includes one or more:

NoteThe RSSD stores Replication Server system tables; in addition, it can also be a primary or a replicate database.

You can migrate any of these databases, but the process requires additional steps to ensure success.

StepsPreparing for migration

Make sure that replication from or into each database is complete before initiating migration. This means that:

NoteAll transactions in the Replication Server inbound and outbound queues must be applied. After migration, there is no way to restore data left in the Adaptive Server transaction log.

  1. Log in to the Replication Server and suspend log transfer. Enter:

    suspend log transfer from server.database
  2. Log in to the Adaptive Server, and shut down the RepAgent. Enter:

    use database
    sp_stop_rep_agent database
  3. Suspend all DSI connections to the replicate database. Log in to the Replication Server and enter:

    suspend connection to server.database
  4. Put the Replication Server in hibernation mode. Enter:

    sysadmin hibernate_on, replication_server

Before starting the migration process, sybmigrate records replication information in its log. The information needed to restore the replication information during the postmigration steps can be retrieved from this log. See “Postmigration procedures” for more information.