Shuts down the instance by executing a Transact-SQL shutdown command.
shutdown instance [ instance_name ] [ nowait ]
is the unique name of an instance in the cluster.
shuts down the instance immediately, without waiting for currently executing transactions or statements to finish.
Shuts down the instance “ase1,” after waiting for currently executing transactions or statements to finish:
shutdown instance ase1
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel shutdown server ase1 INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 Server SHUTDOWN by request. INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 ASE is terminating this process INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 shut down local cluster server. INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel coordinator to be shutdown, newcoo is 0. INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel Single server cluster. INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel cipcnode_down(): Node 1 down event. INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 server ASE shutdown by request. INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel ueshutdown: exiting INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel SySAM: Checked in license for 1 ASE_CORE (2007.1031.31-oct-2007/1293 6876 8FE7 E 217).
Shutting down the last instance in a cluster also shuts down the cluster.
sybcluster prompts for confirmation before shutting down the instance.
If the cluster is managed by VCS, shutdown instance fails. You must use VCS shut-down mechanisms to shut down the instance.