create cluster


Creates an Adaptive Server shared-disk cluster.

Enter the necessary configuration information interactively, as responses to a series of prompts, or use an input file.


create cluster [cluster_name ]
	[ login login_name ]
	[ password password ]
	[ agent “agent_spec[, agent_spec[, ...]]” ]
	[ discovery “ discovery_spec[, discovery_spec[, ...]]” ]
	[ file “input_file” ]



is the name of the cluster.

login login_name

is the management agent login for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the simple login module in the agent configuration. You can configure the user name and password to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

password password

is the management agent password for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. You can configure the user name and password to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

agent agent_spec

is the agent specification that identifies the nodes in the cluster running a Unified Agent, and the port number that sybcluster uses to connect to the Unified Agent.

The format is node_name:port_number [, node_name:port_number ] [,...]. The default port number is “9999.”

discovery discovery_spec

is the discovery method used to identify the agents responsible for the requested cluster.

The format is method[(method_specification)] [, (method_specification)[,...]]. See the description for sybcluster -d discovery_list.

file “input_file

is the operating system input file for creating the cluster.


Example 1

Creates a new cluster called “mycluster”; sybcluster prompts you for the information necessary to create the cluster:

create cluster mycluster

Example 2

Creates a new cluster called “mycluster1” using configuration information supplied in the mycluster1.xml file:

create cluster mycluster1 file mycluster1.xml


When you create a cluster, sybcluster prompts for the:

If sybcluster detects the Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) on the system, sybcluster asks if it should check whether device is managed by VCS.

After you create and confirm the cluster, create cluster prompts for an I/O fencing check, which checks whether or not each device has I/O fencing capability (see the Installation Guide for a description of I/O fencing).