Removes each instance from a cluster and then removes the cluster definition from the cluster configuration file.
The drop cluster command also removes regular files associated with the cluster and the cluster agent plug-ins that manage the cluster. The cluster must be down to use drop cluster.
drop cluster
Drops all instances from the current cluster and deletes the cluster:
drop cluster
sybcluster prompts for confirmation before dropping the cluster.
Due to certain file-system locking, the UAF plug-ins may not be deleted after you use drop cluster. Verify that the $SYBASE_UA/nodes/*/plugins/<cluster_name> directory has been deleted. If the directory still exists, delete it.
drop cluster:
Removes cluster and instance entries from the interfaces file, configuration files, and specified data devices.
Marks the quorum device as unused.
Shuts down and removes the cluster’s UAF agent plug-ins.