Follow these steps to restore a database.
sybrestore -Usa -P -serverName:portNumber
<<<<<<====Restore Database Menu ====>>>>>>> s : Select Database t : Target Server r : Recreate Database e : Use External Dump c : Check Geometry d : Dump Directory o : Online Database p : Preview g : Go
You see a list of available source databases.
If the target server is not the same as the source server, you are prompted to specify a target server by providing the server name (or hostname:port number), login, and password. You can then provide a mapping directory.
If the target database name is not the same as the source database name, select a target database.
If the target database does not exist, a database is created, and you must specify devices and devices sizes and log devices and log sizes.
If the database is offline and its devices do not exist, you are prompted to reinitialize the database devices.
When re-creating the database, you are prompted to specify devices and devices sizes, and log devices and log sizes.
If you are using external backup files to restore the database:
Specify the archive directory for the dump database file location and the dump database file name, including respective stripe names.
Specify the dump transaction log file location and multiple dump transaction log file names, including respective stripes names.
If you have selected dump history files, a geometry check verifies that the database dump can be loaded successfully into the target database.
In Adaptive Server versions 15.7 ESD #2 and earlier, specify external dump files; no geometry check is performed.
The status of the database is not "for load," or "offline."
The database passes the tran_dumpable_status check.
You see a preview of the SQL statements to be executed for restoring the database.
You see any progress or error messages.