Perform these tasks before using sybrestore.
You must be a user with sa_role privilege. To work on an offline database that has offline or inactivated devices, you must be a user with mon_role and sa_role.
Make sure these environment variables are set correctly:
SYBASE -- the location of the current version of Adaptive Server.
SYBASE_ASE -- the location of the Adaptive Server component directory.
SYBASE_JRE6 and SYBASE_JRE7 -- the location of JRE 1.6 and JRE 1.7 respectively.
Adaptive Server and Backup Server must be running for both the target and source servers.
The master database must be available.
The source database must be connected to the server in a recovered or unrecovered state.
The log segment of the source database must be available for dumping and then loading back the last transaction logs that have not been dumped.
Dump history files or external dump files must be available.