Displays the current values for default language, charset, and sort order. Allows modification of default values, and addition or removal of languages.
localize Current default locale properties are: Default Language - portuguese Default Charset - mac Default SortOrder - Binary ordering, for use with the Macintosh charcter set(mac). Options for default Language are: 1. spanish 2. portuguese 3. german 4. us_english 5. thai 6. french 7. japanese 8. chinese 9. korean 10. polish Enter the number representing the language to be set as defaults: [2] 8 Options for default charsets are: 1. gb18030 2. eucgb 3. uttf8 Enter the number representing the charset to be set as default: [1] 2 Options for sort orders are: 1. Binary ordering, for the EUC GB2312-80 character set (eucgb). Enter the number representing the sort order to be set as default [1] Do you want to install any language? [Y] n Do you want to remove any language? [N ] The cluster mycluster was successfully localized with default language chinese, charset eucgb, sortorder bin_eucgb
The current default localization value displays after each prompt. To accept the current value, enter a carriage return instead of a number.
The options for default languages include all languages present in $SYBASE_ASE. If the selected default language is not configured, use localize to configure it or remove it.
To ensure that new values are consistent for all instances in the cluster, restart the cluster after changing localization values.