Adds the configuration information for a single instance of the cluster to the Unified Agent.
You can use deploy plugin to configure the Unified Agent to manage a cluster if you created the cluster without using the Adaptive Server plug-in or sybcluster utility, or if you need to re-create the Unified Agent configuration for a cluster. The configuration of a cluster instance is performed by deploying a Unified Agent plug-in.
deploy plugin [ login login_name ] [ password password ] [ agent agent_spec ] [ discovery discovery_spec ]
The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. You can configure the user name and password to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.
The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. You can configure the user name and password to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.
The format is “node_name:port_number [, node_name:port_number] [,...]]”. The default port number is “9999”.
The format is “method[(method_specification)] [, (method_specification)[,...]]”. See the description for sybcluster -d discovery_list for more information about discovery methods.
deploy plugin agent system1501
sybcluster prompts for the cluster name, cluster node number, installation mode, full path to the quorum device, the environment shell script path, and the Adaptive Server home directory.
deploy plugin discovery udp
Path to the quorum device.
Path to the Sybase home directory.
Installation mode (private or shared) – the default is shared.
Location of your Sybase environment script – this must be a shell script that can be loaded using the “.file_name” syntax, such as “sh” or “bash.” An example is
Location of your Adaptive Server software directory – the default is <sybase_home_directory>/ASE-15_0. When entering the location of the Adaptive Server software directory, include the full path. Do not use $SYBASE.
The dataserver login and password are configured using the login command, which updates all Adaptive Server plug-ins managing the cluster.