(Windows only) The executable form of the Adaptive Server program.
The utility is located in %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\bin.
sqlserver [-f] [-g] [-G] [-h] [-H] [-m] [-P] [-q] [-v] [-X] [-a path_to_CAPs_directive_file] [-b master_device_size] [k | K | m | M | g | G | t | T ] [-c config_file_for_server] [-d device_name] [-e path_to_error_log] [-i interfaces_file_directory] [-K keytab_file] [-L config_file_name_for_connectivity] [--master_key_password [=password] [-M shared_memory_repository_directory] [-p sa_login_name] [-r mirror_disk_name] [-s server_name] [-T trace_flag] [-u sa/sso_name] [-w master | model database] [-y [password] ] [-z page_size [ k | K ] ]
If you include the password on the command line, it is visible until the memory is read and used.
The location of the certificate file changes if you invoke the sp_ssladmin addcert command.
sqlsrvr -d d_master -z 4k -b 100.02M
The spaces between options and their following arguments are optional and acceptable. This example specifies “100.02M” for a 100MB master device because the server requires 16KB of overhead for its configuration area.
sqlsrvr -d d_master -w model
sqlsrvr -d d_master -w master -z 4k
sqlsrvr -d d_master -w master -z 4k -b 100.02M -f
sqlsrvr -d d_master -w master -z 8k 00:00000:00000:2001/01/19 12:01:26.94 server The configured server page size does not match that specified on the command line. To use the configured size, omit the command line size; to use the command line size, specify 'force' (-f).
sqlsrvr -d d_master -z4000 sqlsrvr: the 'z' flag may not be used without 'b' or 'w'. sqlsrvr: server will ignore the 'z' flag. sqlsrvr: the 'z' flag contained an invalid page size. sqlsrvr: the page size must be an even power of two between 2048 and 16384 bytes, inclusive.
Anyone with execute permission on the binary, and who has read/write access to all the files.