Creates and prints an encrypted LDAP password in the libtcl.cfg file.
(Windows) %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\bin, as pwdcrypt.exe.
Before using pwdcrypt, set the SYBASE environment variable to the location of the current version of Adaptive Server.
pwdcrypt Enter password please: password Enter password again : password
The encrypted password: 0x01312a775ab9d5c71f99f05f7712d2cded288d0ae1ce79268d0e8669313d1bc4c706 ldap://dolly:389/dc=sybase,dc=com????bindname=cn=Manager,dc=sybase,dc=com? 0x01312a775ab9d5c71f99f05f7712d2cded288d0ae1ce79268d0e8669313d1bc4c706An unencrypted password looks similar to: ldap://dolly:389/dc=sybase,dc=com????bindname=cn=Manager,dc=sybase,dc=com? secret
Use file system permissions to prevent unauthorized access to this encrypted password in your libtcl.cfg file.