Interactive SQL parser to Adaptive Server.
(Windows) %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\bin, as isql.exe.
isql [-b] [-e] [-F] [-n] [-p] [-v] [-W] [-X] [-Y] [-Q] [-a display_charset] [-A packet_size] [-c cmdend] [-D database] [-E editor] [-h header] [-H hostname] [-i inputfile] [-I interfaces_file] [-J client_charset] [-K keytab_file] [-l login_timeout] [-m errorlevel] [-M LabelName LabelValue] [-o outputfile] [-P password] [-R remote_server_principal] [-s col_separator] [-S server_name] [-t timeout] [-U username] [-v] [-V [security_options]] [-w column-width] [-x trusted.txt_file] [-y sybase_directory] [-z localename] [-Z security_mechanism] [--appname "application_name”] [--conceal [':?' | 'wildcard']] [--help] [--history [p]history_length [--history_file history_filename]] [--retserverror] [--URP remotepassword
isql -A 4096
select * from sysprocesses
The value appears under the network_pktsz heading.
packet_size must be between the values of the default network packet size and maximum network packet size configuration variables, and must be a multiple of 512. The default value is 2048.
Use larger-than-default packet sizes to perform I/O-intensive operations, such as readtext or writetext operations. Setting or changing the Adaptive Server packet size does not affect remote procedure calls’ packet size.
-i inputfile
If you use -i and do not specify your password on the command line, isql prompts you for it.
If you use < inputfile and do not specify your password on the command line, specify your password as the first line of the input file.
-J with no argument sets character set conversion to NULL. No conversion takes place. Use this if the client and server use the same character set.
Omitting -J sets the character set to a default for the platform. The default may not necessarily be the character set that the client is using. For more information about character sets and the associated flags, see Configuring Client/Server Character Set Conversions, in the System Administration Guide, Volume One.
If you do not specify -K, the isql user must be logged in to DCE with the same username specified in -U.
curread (current read level) – is the initial level of data that you can read during this session. curread must dominate curwrite.
curwrite (current write level) – is the initial sensitivity level that is applied to any data that you write during this session.
maxread (maximum read level) – is the maximum level at which you can read data. This is the upper bound to which you as a multilevel user can set curread during the session. maxread must dominate maxwrite.
maxwrite (maximum write level) – is the maximum level at which you can write data. This is the upper bound to which you as a multilevel user can set curwrite during a session. maxwrite must dominate minwrite and curwrite.
minwrite (minimum write level) – is the minimum level at which you can write data. This is the lower bound to which you as a multilevel user can set curwrite during a session. minwrite must be dominated by maxwrite and curwrite.
The column separator appears at the beginning and the end of each column of each row.
isql is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. They both reside in the same directory and are differentiated by their executable file names (isql and isql64). Enter isql -v or isql64 -v to see the detailed version string of the isql you are using.
c – enables data confidentiality service.
d – enables credential delegation and forwards the client credentials to the gateway application.
i – enables data integrity service.
m – enables mutual authentication for connection establishment.
o – enables data origin stamping servic.e
q – enables out-of-sequence detection
r – enables data replay detection
This option can result in normal or extended password encryption, depending on connection property settings at the server. If CS_SEC_ENCRYPTION is set to CS_TRUE, normal password encryption is used. If CS_SEC_EXTENDED_ENCRYPTION is set to CS_TRUE, extended password encryption is used. If both CS_SEC_ENCRYPTION and CS_SEC_EXTENDED_ENCRYPTION are set to CS_TRUE, extended password encryption takes precedence.
If isql fails, the system creates a core file that contains your password. If you did not use the encryption option, the password appears in plain text in the file. If you used the encryption option, your password is not readable.
For details on encrypted passwords, see the user documentation for the Open Client Client-Library.
Security mechanism names are defined in the libtcl.cfg configuration file located in the ini subdirectory below the Sybase installation directory. If no security_mechanism name is supplied, the default mechanism is used. For more information on security mechanism names, see the description of the libtcl.cfg file in the Open Client and Open Server Configuration Guide.
Testing of Adaptive Server cluster routing rules for incoming client connections based on the client application name.
Switching between alternative settings for isql in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/config/ocs.cfg, such as between debugging and normal sessions.
Identification of the script that started a particular isql session from within Adaptive Server.
Is the client application name. You can retrieve the client application name from sysprocesses.program_name after connecting to your host server.
Has a maximum length of 30 characters. You must enclose the entire application name in single quote or double quote characters if it contains any white spaces that do not use the backslash escape character. You can set the application_name to an empty string.
wildcard, a 32-byte variable, specifies the character string that triggers isql to prompt you for input during an isql session. For every wildcard that isql reads, isql displays a prompt that accepts your input but does not echo the input to the screen. The default wildcard is :?.
p – indicates command history persistence; in-memory command history is saved to disk when isql shuts down. If you do not use the p option, the command history log is deleted after its contents are loaded into memory.
history_length – this parameter, which is required if you use --history, is the number of commands that isql can store in the command history log. The maximum value of history_length is 1024; if a larger value is specified, isql silently truncates it to 1024.
-history_file history_filename – indicates that isql must retrieve the command history log from history_filename. If p is specified, isql also uses history_filename to store the current session’s command history. history_filename can include an absolute or a relative path to the log file. A relative path is based on the current directory. If you do not indicate a path, the history log is saved in the current directory. When --history_file is not specified, isql uses the default log file in $HOME/.sybase/isql/isqlCmdHistory.log.
isql -Ujoe -Pabracadabra 1> select * 2> from authors 3> where city = "Oakland" 4> vi
isql -Ualma Password: 1> select * 2> from authors 3> where city = "Oakland" 4> reset 1> quit
isql -Usa -P -s# 1> use pubs2 2> go 1> select * from sales where stor_id = "7896"
#stor_id#ord_num #date # #-------#--------------------#--------------------------# #7896 #124152 # Aug 14 1986 12:00AM# #7896 #234518 # Feb 14 1991 12:00AM# (2 rows affected)
$ isql -Uguest -Pguest -Smyase --conceal sp_password :? old , :?:? new ---------------- old new Confirm new Password correctly set. (Return status 0)
$ isql -Uguest -Pguest -Smyase --conceal 1> sp_password 2> :? old 3> , 4> :?:? new 5> go old new Confirm new Password correctly set. (return status = 0)
$ isql -Uguest -Pguest -Smyase --conceal 1> sp_password 2> :? 3> , 4> :?:? 5> go :? :? Confirm :? Password correctly set. (return status = 0)
$ isql -UmyAccount --conceal '*' Password: 1> set role 2> * role 3> with passwd 4> ** password 5> on 6> go role password Confirm password 1>
guest> isql -Uguest -Pguestpwd -SmyASE --retserverror 2> isql.stderr 1> select no_column from sysobjects 2> go Msg 207, Level 16, State 4: Server 'myASE', Line 1: Invalid column name 'no_column'. guest> echo $? 2 guest> cat isql.stderr Msg 207 guest >
isql --appname $0
isql -Uguest -Ppassword -Smyase --history p1024
;Sample ocs.cfg file [DEFAULT] ;place holder [isql] ;place holder [isql_dbg_net] CS_DEBUG = CS_DBG_NETWORK CS_APPNAME = "isql"
isql -Uguest
isql -Uguest --appname isql_dbg_net
isql -Uguest -Ppassword -Smyase --history p1024
isql -Uguest -Ppassword -Smyase --history 1024 --history_file myaseHistory.log
isql -Uguest -Ppassword -Smyase --history p1024 1> h [1] select @@version [2] select db_name() [3] select @@servername 1>
isql -Uguest -Ppassword -Smyase --history p1024 1> h -2 [2] select db_name() [3] select @@servername 1>
isql -Uguest -Ppassword -Smyase --history p1024 1> ? 1 1> select @@version 2>
isql -Uguest -Ppassword -Smyase --history p1024 1> ? -1 1> select @@servername 2>
isql -y/work/NewSybase -Uuser1 -Psecret -SMYSERVER
$ isql -UmyAccount --conceal '*'Password: set role * role with passwd ** password on go role password Confirm password
isql -UmyAccount -SmyServer --appname "isql Session 01" Password: 1>select program_name from sysprocesses 2>where spid=@@spid 3>go program_name ------------------- isql Session 01
isql -Uguest -Ppassword -Smyase --history 1024 --history_file myaseHistory.log