When you issue the ddlgen utility in a UNIX command-line environment, other users on that UNIX machine can see your ddlgen command—including its password—if they issue the ps process management command, which shows the status of processes that are running on that machine.
The ddlgen -P password parameter option lets you to invoke ddlgen from a script so that the password is hidden from other users.
To achieve this, set the $PSWD environment variable to point to your Adaptive Server login password, and include the string “ext” in the -P parameter. ext acts as a pseudo password, allowing you to supply the actual password in the next line. Set $PSWD at the command line or a Bourne shell script, but not from the C-shell.
ddlgen -Ulogin -Pext -Sserver:port -Ttype -Nname << END 'cat filename' END