The executable form of the Backup Server program, located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin.
(Windows) The utility is bcksrvr.exe, located in %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\bin.
backupserver [-C server_connections] [-S b_servername] [-I interfaces_file] [-e error_log_file] [-M sybmultbuf_binary] [-N network_connections] [-T trace_value] [-L Sybase_language_name] [-J Sybase_character_set_name] [-c tape_config_file] [-D n] [-A pathname] [-P active_service_threads] [-V level_number] [-p n] [-m max_shared_memory]
backupserver -v
specifies the number of server connections for the Backup Server. The Backup Server requires:
Two connections for each dump session
One connection for each load session
One connection for volume change messages
Allow a maximum of three times the number of expected concurrent dump and load sessions. The default value is 30 server connections.
specifies the name of the Backup Server to start. The default is SYB_BACKUP. This entry must specify the name of a Backup Server in the interfaces file.
specifies the name and location of the interfaces file to search when connecting to Backup Server. If -I is omitted, backupserver looks for a file named interfaces in the directory pointed to by your SYBASE environment variable.
prints the version number and copyright message of the backupserver software and then exits.
specifies the name and location of the Backup Server error log file used to report Open Server internal errors, sybmultbuf errors, errors that halt the Backup Server, and errors for disconnected sessions. All other errors are sent to the notify destination specified in the dump database, dump transaction, load database, and load transaction commands.
specifies the full path name of the sybmultbuf executable. Use this parameter only when starting Backup Server from a directory other than the bin directory of the Sybase installation directory, or when using a diagnostic version of sybmultbuf.
specifies the number of total network connections (DBPROCESSes) that the master Backup Server can originate. The default value is 25.
interprets trace_value as a bitmask (base-2 number). The 1 bits in trace_value correspond to Open Server Trace flags to turn on. If you specify more than one -T parameter on the command line, the final -T value overrides the values from earlier -T parameters. The trace_value must be a positive integer.
specifies the default language for Backup Server. If not specified, Backup Server uses the locale specified by the LC_ALL or LANG environment variables. If these variables are not set, Backup Server searches for the “default” entry in locales.dat.
The -L parameter does not
override the value set in the LANG environment
specifies the default character set for Backup Server.
specifies the name and location of the tape configuration file to search for tape device configuration information before doing a dump database or a dump transaction. If you do not specify -c, the default path name for the tape configuration file is $SYBASE/backup_tape.cfg.
specifies the bitmap (base 10 number) of the diagnostic flags used within Backup Server.
specifies the pathname to the directory of the Archive API dynamically loadable library.
allows you to increase the number of stripes during multiple dump/load operations (with a maximum of 12286 stripes per single operation).
limits the messages that are printed to the Backup Server error log. The level_number variable determines the degree of error verbosity (-V) for Backup Server:
-V4 – displays all -V0 messages except “Connection from Server” messages printed for each connection event.
-V3 – displays only completion messages from a normal dump or load command and the following types of messages:
Error messages from Backup Server and sybmultbuf
Other sybmultbuf messages
Volume change messages
Open Server™ messages
Trace print messages
Informational messages from the System & Tape Auto Config modules
-V2 – displays:
All -V3 messages plus
File creation and file mount messages
-V1 – displays:
All -V2 messages plus
Phase messages
-V0 (default) – displays all messages, including backup progress
This limitation does not involve the messages that are sent to the client or console as determined by the NOTIFY= parameter in a dump or load command.
This option also does not affect logging for the following message types:
Open Server messages
Trace printing messages from bs_traceprint
sybmultbuf messages
specifies the TDS packet size in bytes that the local Backup Server requests from the remote Backup Server during network dumps. The actual packet size used is limited to the -p parameter value of the remote Backup Server. If you do not specify -p, the default is 2048 bytes. The packet size should be an integer greater than, or equal to 256.
specifies the maximum amount of shared memory in megabytes that Backup Server can use for all of its dump or load sessions.
Make sure that you use Backup Server 15.5 with Adaptive Server 15.5, both the clustered and nonclustered versions. Backup Server versions 15.0.3 and earlier do not work with Adaptive Server 15.5.
Start Backup Server with the startserver command rather than by directly executing the backupserver program.
To change default values in UNIX, edit the RUN_servername file in your Sybase installation directory. See the startserver reference page for details.
To change default values in Windows, use Server Config to change the command-line parameters of the Backup Server. See the Configuration Guide for details.
Make sure that the device driver options you include with the dump command are accurate. Backupserver does not verify any device driver options you include during a dump command. For example, if you include a option that forces Backupserver to rewind a tape before use, it will always rewind the tape to the beginning instead of reading the tape from the point of the dump.
If you do not specify a Backup Server name with the -S parameter, and you have not set the environment variable DSLISTEN, backupserver uses the default Backup Server name SYB_BACKUP in UNIX.
(Windows) bcksrvr uses the default Backup Server name server_name_BS. The value of the DSLISTEN environment variable overrides this default value, and the -S parameter overrides both the default and the value specified in DSLISTEN.
Whenever possible, the Backup Server and any Adaptive Servers that dump or load directly through the Backup Server should share the same interfaces file (sql.ini in UNIX). The interfaces file that Backup Server uses must contain entries for:
Backup Server
Any other Backup Servers with which this Backup Server communicates
Trace flags cause the Backup Server to print information regarding its operation while it is running, for debugging problems in the Backup Server. See the Open Server Server-Library/C Reference Manual for more details on trace flags. Backup Server does not support use of the Open Server-defined SRV_TR symbols for -T.
If Backup Server cannot find the locales and charsets directories specified by the -L and -J parameters, or if these parameters specify an incorrect language and character set combination, Backup Server issues an error message and uses the default language and character set.
Backup Server cannot perform loads or dumps between servers that use different logical page sizes. For example, you can load a 4K logical page sized database dump into another server using a 4K logical page size. But Backup Server does not support dumping a 4K logical page sized database and loading it into a database that uses 16K logical page size.
Anyone with execute permission on the binary, and who has read/write access to all the files.
Utilities startserver