Installing Adaptive Server Using Binary Overlay

Read “Special Installation Instructions” in the release bulletin for the latest information that may affect specific 15.5 configurations.

  1. If you are upgrading from a pre-15.5 server and the Java in the database feature is enabled perform these steps:
    1. Create the sybpcidb database. The sybpcidb database stores configuration information for the PCI and all PCA components. This database is used by the installpcidb script. For example:
      1> disk init
      2> name = "sybpcidb_dev",
      3> physname = "${SYBASE}/data/sybpcidb_dev.dat",
      4> size = '24MB'
      5> go
      1> create database sybpcidb on sybpcidb_dev = 24
      2> go
    2. Disable java feature:
      1> sp_configure 'enable java', 0
      2> go

      If you are upgrading from a pre 15.0.x server, do not disable Java in the database feature. sqlupgrade automatically disables this feature before an upgrade and re-enables the feature after an upgrade.

  2. After backing up your databases, shut down Adaptive Server and back up your SYBASE directory.
  3. Installing Adaptive Server 15.5 overwrites current Adaptive Server software. Before installing 15.5, make sure that your databases are error-free as described in Backing up Adaptive Server and that your SYBASE directory is backed up.
  4. Shutdown servers that are using the binaries from your SYBASE directory.
  5. Use InstallShield to load the new software from the CD or DVD.

    For UNIX installations, navigate to the CD or DVD drive and enter ./setup.bin.

  6. Install Adaptive Server 15.5 over the $SYBASE installation path.

    Once files are loaded into your $SYBASE directory, InstallShield asks if you want to configure the new installed server. Deselect configuring the new server, and click continue to finish the installation.

  7. Restart Adaptive Server.
    The shell command is:
    $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/startserver [-f RUN_server_name file]

    Select [Sybase SQLserver_<servername>] and stop and start the services.

  8. Run select @@version. The server should now be at version 15.5.
  9. In Adaptive Server version 15.5, several changes have been made to the system stored procedures and many new error messages have been added. After performing a binary overlay you must perform the postinstallation tasks to make these changes available.

    Refer to the Post-upgrade tasks before running installmaster or instmsgs.ebf.