Partitioning Query Server Data

If the same table exists on multiple query nodes, and each node has its own subset of the data, you must manually edit the local store migration scripts.

For a department-specific employee table on each query server, follow these basic steps:

  1. Unload the schema and data from the query nodes.

    The reload_schema.sql script produced for each query node contains the same schema definition for employee.

  2. Execute the reload_schema.sql from one of the query nodes against either the existing 12.7 writer or the new Sybase IQ 15.4 main store.
  3. Execute the reload_data.sql script from each of the query nodes against the same server used in the previous step.

    This procedure creates the employee table once but loads each query node data set.

Related tasks
Addressing Overlapping Query Server Data
Moving Local Stores With iqlsunload
Verify the Legacy Databases Before Migration