Unicode data in the server can be:
UTF-16 data, stored in unichar, univarchar, unitext, and java.lang.String.
UTF-8 data, stored in char, varchar, and text, when the server character set is UTF-8.
Transferring data between client and server Any one of the three following techniques transfers univarchar or unitext data between client and server:
Use CTLIB, or, or BCP. Transfer the data as a bit string. The client data is UTF-16, and byte order is adjusted for client-server differences.
Use ISQL or BCP. Specify “-J UTF-8”. The data is converted between the client UTF-8 and the server UTF-16.
Use Java. Specify the client character set (whether source or target) in data transfers. You can specify UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16L, UTF-16LE, UTF-16 (with BOM), US-ASCII, or another client character set.
you want to store Unicode XML documents through JDBC, you must mention
the connection property 'DISABLE_UNICODE_SENDING',
a “false” property that allows you to send Unicode
data from the JDBC connection to Adaptive Server.
Techniques for specifying the character set of client files, whether input or output, in client Java applications appear in Java applications in the following sample directory.
This directory also supplies the documents Using-SQLX-mappings, section Unicode and SQLX result set documents.