SDK 15.7 features for jConnect and Adaptive Server Drivers and Providers in ESD #4
ESD #4 introduces new functionality for jConnect for JDBC 7.07, Adaptive Server
Enterprise ODBC Driver 15.7, Adaptive Server Enterprise OLE DB Provider 15.7, and Adaptive
Server Enterprise ADO.NET Data Provider 15.7.
- Granular and Predicated Permissions
Starting with Adaptive Server 15.7 ESD #2, role-privilege management model has been enhanced.
- alter table drop column without Datacopy
Adaptive Server version 15.7 ESD #2 allows you to drop columns from a table without performing a data copy.
- Fast Logged Bulk Insert
Adaptive Server version 15.7 ESD #2 allows you to fully log bcp in fast mode, providing full data recovery.
- Dynamic Logging
Starting with ESD #4, jConnect for JDBC supports logging mechanism by implementing standard Java Logger mechanism.
- Dynamic Client Information Setting
Starting with ESD #4, you can set new values for jConnect for JDBC client information properties (ApplicationName, ClientUser, ClientHostName) using setClientInfo() and getClientInfo() standard methods even after the connection has been established.
- Dynamic Connection Property Setting
Starting with ESD #4, you can set new values for jConnect for JDBC connection properties using setClientInfo() and getClientInfo() standard methods even after the connection has been established.
- Exception Handling
Exception handling in jConnect for JDBC has been enhanced. You can use getCause() method to get the cause of the exception when the exception message contains directive to use getcause().
- New jConnect Connection Properties for Performance Improvement
Starting with ESD #4, jConnect for JDBC has new set of connection properties for performance improvement.
- New jConnect Connection Properties
Starting with ESD #4, jConnect for JDBC has new set of connection properties.
- Notes on Hibernate Support for JDBC
Hibernate is a collection of related projects enabling developers to utilize POJO-style domain models in their applications extending beyond Object or Relational Mapping. Out of the many modules, Hibernate-core module deals with Object Relational Mapping.
Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver now allows you to set the SQL_ATTR_OUTPUT_NTS attribute to SQL_FALSE so that the driver does not return string data null-terminated.
- Support for SQLLEN Datatype of Length 8-byte (Linux 64-bit only)
Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver for Linux x86-64 64-bit and Linux on POWER 64-bit now supports a 4-bytes SQLLEN datatype and an 8-bytes SQLLEN datatype.
- ODBC Deferred Array Binding
Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver now provides the extended SQLBindColumnDA() and SQLBindParameterDA() APIs that allow applications to bind all columns or parameters with a single API call.
- Bulk Insert Support for ODBC Data Batching
The ODBC data batching without binding parameter arrays feature introduced in 15.7 release has now been extended to support inserting batches using bulk insert protocol.
- Dynamic Logging Support without ODBC Driver Manager Tracing
Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver 15.7 introduced the application logging without an ODBC driver manager tracing feature.
- Dynamic Control of TDS Protocol Capture
The new SQL_ATTR_TDS_CAPTURE connection attribute of Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver allows pause (SQL_CAPTURE_PAUSE) and resume (SQL_CAPTURE_RESUME) of TDS protocol capture.
- Replication Server Connection Support
Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver can connect to Replication Server to monitor and administer the server.
- Comprehensive ADO.NET Provider Assembly Files
Starting with ESD #4, Adaptive Server Enterprise ADO.NET Data Provider has only two provider assembly files that each contain all functionality.
- ADO.NET Support for Larger Decimal Precision/Scale
Adaptive Server Enterprise ADO.NET Data Provider now supports AseDecimal - a structure that can support a precision/scale of 78.
- Visual Studio DDEX Connection Dialog Enhancement for Additional Connection Properties
Adaptive Server Enterprise ADO.NET Data Provider now allows you to add additional connection properties in the Visual Studio DDEX Add Connection dialog.
- New Connection Strings for OLE DB Applications
The new set of connection strings for OLE DB applications is introduced.
Created March 10, 2014. Send feedback on this help topic to Technical Publications: