Logging without ODBC Driver Manager tracing

In Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver 15.7, you can log calls to ODBC APIs without using ODBC Driver Manager tracing. This is useful when the driver manager is not used or when running on a platform that does not support tracing.

To enable this feature on Microsoft Windows, use the LOGCONFIGFILE environment variable or the Microsoft Windows registry. To enable on Linux, use LOGCONFIGFILE.

When using LOGCONFIGFILE, set the environment variable to the full path of the ODBC log’s configuration file. LOGCONFIGFILE overrides any existing registry entry.

When using the Microsoft Windows registry, create an entry called LogConfigFile in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\ODBC or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sybase\ODBC, and set its value to the full path of the ODBC log’s configuration file. For example:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


To disable logging, delete or rename the LogConfigFile value.

NoteThe value specified in HKEY_CURRENT_USER overrides any value set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.