The unixODBC Driver Manager supports configuring drivers and datasources from a GUI as well as the command line. Refer to the ODBC Driver Manager's documentation for instructions on the GUI tool and command line syntax.
The Adaptive Server ODBC Driver and datasources that
use this driver cannot be configured using the GUI tools from the
unixODBC Driver Manager. You must use the command line interface.
When configuring the driver and datasources using the unixODBC Driver Manager command line tool, you must supply a template file. Sample templates are described in the following section. You can also find these templates in:
Adaptive Server ODBC Driver 32-bit: $SYBASE/DataAccess/ODBC/samples
Adaptive Server ODBC Driver 64-bit: $SYBASE/DataAccess64/ODBC/samples
The following is an example of a driver template file:
[Adaptive Server Enterprise] Description=Sybase ODBC Driver Driver=/install dir/driver library name FileUsage=-1
install dir is the path to the Adaptive Server ODBC Driver installation.
driver library name is the name of the driver library.