The ODBC MetaData stored procedures ensure that ODBC functionalities behave as expected. Sybase recommends that you check the version of the ODBC MetaData stored procedures on all the Adaptive Server servers that you need to connect to, using the ODBC Driver and update them wherever needed.
Use the “ODBC driver version information utility” with the -connect option
to check if the metdata stored procedures are up to date or need
Installing the MetaData stored procedures
This procedure installs the ODBC MetaData stored procedures in sybsystemprocs.
To run the script successfully, you need permission to create stored procedures in sybsystemprocs.
Go to the sp directory under the Adaptive Server ODBC Driver installation directory:
Adaptive Server ODBC Driver 32-bit for Microsoft Windows: %SYBASE%\DataAccess\ODBC\sp
Adaptive Server ODBC Driver 64-bit for Microsoft Windows: %SYBASE%\DataAccess64\ODBC\sp
Adaptive Server ODBC Driver 32-bit for Linux: $SYBASE\DataAccess\ODBC\sp
Adaptive Server ODBC Driver 64-bit for UNIX: $SYBASE\DataAccess64\ODBC\sp
Execute the install_odbc_sprocs script.
Adaptive Server ODBC Driver for Microsoft Windows:
install_odbc_sprocs ServerName username [password]
Adaptive Server ODBC Driver for UNIX:
./install_odbc_sprocs ServerName username [password]
ServerName is the name of the Adaptive Server.
username is the user name to connect to the server.
[password] is the password for the user name. If the value is null, leave the parameter empty.