Binds a buffer to a set of parameter markers.
SQLRETURN SQLBindParameterDA( SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLSMALLINT* InputOutputTypes, SQLSMALLINT* ValueTypes, SQLSMALLINT* ParameterTypes, SQLULEN* ColumnSizes, SQLSMALLINT* DecimalDigits, SQLPOINTER* ParameterValuePtrs, SQLLEN* BufferLength, SQLLEN** StrLens_or_IndPtrs, SQLUSMALLINT Parameters)
[Input] Statement handle.
[Input] The types of the parameters. A copy of the array is made. The only way to update the InputOutputType of a parameter is to call this function again.
[Input] The C datatypes of the parameters. A copy of the array is made. The only way to update the ValueType of a parameter is to call this function again.
[Input] The SQL datatypes of the parameters. A copy of the array is made. The only way to update the ParameterType of a parameter is to call this function again.
[Input] The size of the columns or expressions of the corresponding parameter markers. A copy of the array is made. The only way to update the ColumnSize of a parameter is to call this function again.
[Input] The decimal digits of the column or expression of the corresponding parameter markers. A copy of the array is made. The only way to update the DecimalDigits of a parameter is to call this function again.
[Deferred Input/Output] An array of pointers to the buffers for the parameters’ data. The elements of the array must be non-NULL.
[Deferred Input] An array of buffer lengths.
[Deferred Input] An array of pointers to the buffers for the parameters’ length.
[Input] The number of parameters bound.