The parameter batching is enabled only when the HomogeneousBatch connection parameter is set to a value other 0. When HomogeneousBatch is set to 2 and EnableBulkLoad is not 0, simple insert statements are executed using ASE bulk insert protocol. If a non-insert statement is executed or if a more complex insert statement is executed, then ASE batch protocol is used.
This feature supports only statements and stored procedures that do not return a result set or have an output parameter.
Asynchronous mode is not supported. While in batch mode, it is invalid for the application to execute any statement on the same connection other than the one being batched.
SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC is not supported. Bind LOB parameters as normal parameters.
When batching data without binding parameter arrays and SQL_ATTR_PARAM_STATUS_PTR is set, Adaptive Server ODBC Driver retrieves the number of array elements from the StringLength parameter to SQLSetStmtAttr, and not from SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE.