Adaptive Server ODBC Driver can create either of the two types of cursors when a SQL statement that generate result sets is executed:
Server-side cursors - uses more resources, but is required to fully support cursor semantics.
Client-side cursors - uses less resources and is adequate for most use cases.
Use the UseCursor connection property to determine the type of cursor generated by the Adaptive Server ODBC Driver.
0 – (default) Client-side cursors are used for all statements that generate result sets.
1– Server-side cursors are used for all statements that generate result sets.
2– Server-side cursors are used for all statements that generate result sets only when the SQLSetCursorName ODBC function is called. Use this setting to limit use of server-side cursors only for situations that require them.
Depending on the other cursor attribute settings, a
server-side cursor request may implicitly be changed by the Adaptive
Server ODBC Driver to a client-side